Sunday, March 1, 2009

We went to a Trivia night!

It was to benefit Andrew's football team. They are pretty underfunded so we were glad to have fun and help out the team too! We finished about in the middle, not 1st but we didn't get the box of Ding Dongs for last place either!

What else have we done? It's been awhile since I last posted - bad blogger! But things happen and I've been trying to get some sleep lately! We had a book Fair at the elementary school so I did that all last week. Got to go visit little Miss Braska and new baby Kinlee last week too. When to the boys' Regional basketball game yesterday and watched our team win! Oh my gosh was that a good game! Tonight was a Pizza Bingo event at same elementary school as the Book Fair, and tomorrow I get to go visit a mom who has dd with ds and give her lots of neat info from our dsa! We've had a few therapies and another trivia and on Sat, I get to go to a crop (scrapbooking) to benefit the place Jack goes to school. Sometimes I just want to sit.

Jack has been up to - "school" on Mondays. This past Mon his teacher said he did much better and didn't need his blanky as much. So I guess that's good. He seems to learn more signs each day but getting him to show off doesn't always work. We've been practicing walking outside. I'm trying to let him walk from the van to wherever we're going and he has to stop and check out every new pavement he walks on - it's so funny. I so love him! He's pushing a Mickey Mouse fire engine around and he looks like he's really figuring it out. I love it! I have a hard time walking past him without grabbing him for a squeeze and kisses and it's starting to bug him! But just let me try to go to the bathroom alone and here come the little tiny fingers under the door or even funnier, he KNOCKS on the door!

My camera seems to be trying to work again so I may have new pics soon! Hopefully I'll post more updates this week-end!

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