Friday, April 9, 2010

Visit with Friends!

I'm very behind on blogging about stuff that's happened in the past month or 2. Like, what, I think I have something better to do? Just paperwork to bring a little sweetheart into our home and lives! Nevertheless, we have had a couple of fun things happen that I can share!

A few weeks ago, we got to visit with some lovely friends that we know through the world of Down syndrome! They were driving through and stopped over night so Jack and I joined them at the zoo for a little while, then we had to go home to make sure everyone got home from school okay. Then M came with Jack and I to go have pizza with them. It was truly terrific to see you Brigitte (and Josie and Katie and Owen and Jake) and Amy (and Mayson)!

Madelyn made good friends with Katie and Owen!

Mayson offered to share some pretzels with Jack. Doesn't he look like he's saying "what are you TALKING about??"

We got meet Jake for the first time (he really did like us, just having a cranky moment). He's sooooo sweet! Jacob has been home with his family for 10 months now. (I'll correct that if I'm wrong Brigitte!) Brigitte and her hubby Joe brought him home from EE and I had lots of questions about adoption for B. More will be coming I'm sure!

That's a back of Amy's head on the left, Jack in the middle, and Jane (wearing Emerson) on the right.

It was a great visit, but I could hang with these ladies for soooo much longer!

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