Saturday, January 21, 2012

Cap’n Jack had a party

I found this post that I wrote (clearly) right after Jack’s birthday (at the end of Oct.) and never hit “publish”.  I contains some of the cutest pics of my baby!

Of course I didn’t plan anything ahead of time but at the very last minute we decided to invite a few nearby family members over for cake and ice cream.  We had (of course) delicious cake from Costco and balloons.  I had gotten him a few gifts so we kept those for party day and I think he was pretty happy.


Jack was good at ripping the paper off this year :)


Here Grandpa, hold my trash.

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There’s one more?  Waiting……  SpongeBob!!!  Yay!


Jack blew out the candles before we finished singing so Grandma Rita sped up the song – it was the fastest version of “Happy Birthday” ever!


Precious!  Love, love, love him!  Hope this is an awesome year for you my big boy!

1 comment:

summer said...

OH MY!!! He is so so HANDSOME!!!! Happy Birthday Jack (sorry it's late - lol)