Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The silence should have been a sign...

When I went in to get Jack after his nap, this is what I found:

(I had already started to move things so I could clean up but Tyler, who was nearly hysterical with laughter, said "aren't you gonna take pictures?!?". They're onto me with this blogging thing!)

It was a little bottle of powder that SOMEONE could reach from his crib. It was everywhere!

At this point, Jack was cluing in on what was happening with the camera, and helpfully lifted up his leg so I could get a good shot of the powder there.

And then thought that was hilarious. Me, not so much.

It was on just about every surface in his room, plus the wall hanging near the crib! I vaccumed everything, even Jack! He (and again Tyler) was pretty amused by that. I'm just finally starting to see the humor. :)


Monica Crumley said...

Oh my gosh... that is too funny (I know... I can say that sitting here not in the middle of it!) My first reaction would be... "where's the camera" too. Silly boy. Silence can only mean one thing...

建淑珍彰 said...
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